WCP Scholarships
Westside Cooperative Preschool offers a limited number of 75%, 50% and 25% tuition scholarships. Scholarships are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible families. The equivalent of one child’s tuition at 100% is allocated for each class. Applications and additional information can be obtained from the Membership Chairperson or Treasurer.
The Preschool uses the national poverty standards (found here) as a general guideline. Consideration is also given to extraordinary additional out-of-pocket expenses for costs such as medical, more than one child enrolled at WCP, the need for an aide to be present at the preschool in order for a child to participate, etc.
Applications for tuition scholarships are confidential. A former Preschool member has been selected to review applications and determine eligibility. If a member disagrees with the decision made by the scholarship reviewer, they may appeal in writing to the Preschool Executive Board.
If you are awarded a tuition scholarship, you are responsible for paying the balance of tuition by the due date each month and for fulfilling all other membership responsibilities.
Families requesting scholarships must complete both the scholarship application and all other registration forms in order to be considered. Additionally, all families must pay the registration fee and the first month’s tuition, unless other arrangements are made with the WCP Treasurer. Your portion of the last month’s tuition will be due upon completion of the scholarship application review unless a credit is due.
Families must reapply for scholarships each year and, in some cases, applications are reviewed mid-year. If you would like additional information, please contact WCP’s treasurer at treasurer@westsidecooperative.org.
The funds raised from our yearly Friendship Run first go to support Scholarships.