WCP kids walking on tree stumps

We strive to give a positive

foundation for our students!

Children are encouraged to explore, learn about themselves, develop self-confidence and practice cooperative social skills. We believe that children learn by doing, so we offer stimulating, challenging materials and activities that allow them to grow at their own pace. Ability levels, developmental stages and learning styles are accepted and incorporated into the design of appropriate activities.

Our highly qualified teachers nurture each child’s self-esteem and positive feelings toward learning. They keep abreast of the latest developments in Early Childhood Education and utilize anti-bias, anti-violence and a personal safety curriculum.

Teacher and Student observe a sea star

Advantages of a Co-op

Many people choose cooperative preschools because of the unique advantages for both parent and child. Co-ops have a low child-to-adult ratio. Therefore they can accommodate each child’s individual pace and learning style. The environment is safe and nurturing. Co-ops can bridge the gap between home and school in a reassuring way. Children grow from the input of many friendly, trustworthy adults.

Studies show that parent involvement in education is the factor most highly correlated with children’s school success. Parent involvement is more important than social class, teacher’s input, or curriculum. Children are delighted that we value them and their education enough to want to share intimately in their first school experience. This builds both self esteem and motivation to learn.

Parents in the co-op report an increased understanding of child development, education, and parenting. Parents increase their support networks for sharing and discussing problems and growth. They value the chance to observe other children of the same age.

Parents also develop new skills in group leadership and small business management that often are useful and/or marketable as their children grow older.

Kids playing at sensory table

Who’s Who in a Co-op?

Attend preschool 2-3 days per week. Learn to separate easily from parents, follow a school routine, and explore and discover. Learn to trust and communicate with many adults and children. Participate in many social, physical, and cognitive learning activities.

Enroll in college course. Sign commitment to meet minimum requirements. Pay preschool tuition and help fundraise to support school. Attend parent meetings and parent help in the classroom. Elect and/or serve on the board. Do a share of tasks necessary to run the school such as cleaning, purchasing….

Meet monthly. Coordinates management and operation of preschool including decision making about finances, personnel, facility, policies and procedures. Hires teacher(s). Register children for school. Orients parents. Complies with local, state, and federal business laws. Pays for insurance and implements risk management procedures. Signs an annual agreement with the college. Attends
college board training.

(Hired and supervised by board.) Plan learning program for children based on current ECE research theory, and practice. Functions as the head teacher in the classroom, coordinating the parent
helpers. Works with board and advisor to obtain school goals. Attends board meetings, teachers inservices and parent meetings.

Provides Parent Education Program Coordinator. Provides Advisors for co-ops. Publicizes co-ops. Receives requests for information about co-ops. Arranges medical and liability insurance. Provides parent handbooks, board training materials and record-keeping forms. Provides library, media and counseling services.

(Hired and supervised by the college.) Registers parents for South Puget Sound Community College course. Plans and teaches skills and theory of:
1) Early Childhood Education,
2) Parenting/Family Relations, and
3) Leadership and Preschool Business Management.

Teaches through board meetings, parent meetings, classroom visits, and teacher and parent consultations. 

We are currently enrolling for the 2024-25 school year!


We are currently enrolling for the 2024-25 school year! *

We are currently enrolling for the 2024-25 school year!


We are currently enrolling for the 2024-25 school year! *

2024-25 School Year Info

Enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis.

Your registration form AND registration check must be received to confirm your application for one of our classes.

If you would like a preschool tour, please let us know, and we are happy to set it up! Please do not go to the preschool without an appointment. 

To apply, your registration form and registration check must be received. The registration form is available HERE or at the button below. Please wait until you hear from the membership team before sending/dropping off your check. 

Please visit our enrollment page for more information.